With sensible precautions and adhering to Govenment advice work is returning to something nearing normality.
Remote visits for planning a Stove Installation are possible via Facetime, WhatsApp etc if preferred.
Please get in touch if you have any questions or need more information.
This site is updated at regular intervals with information so please look at the Menu for details of installations and what can be achieved when fitting a stove. You will see photographs of Installations and also examples of problems.
Please visit the Facebook page as this is updated more frequently and feedback suggests that more people view Facebook than Web pages.
If you want a chimney swept,repairs to a stove, an estimate for an Installation or just some friendly advice call on 01271 -855543 – 07956 866593 or e mail –
If you get an answer phone please leave a message, you will get a call back and messages are checked regularly.
Please remember that a site visit is essential if you are considering having a Log burner fitted. This will be to determine what your requirements are and ensure that any questions you have are answered.It will also be an opportunity to discuss the types of stove that are available and what if any building work is required.
Installing a Log burner and associated work is covered by building regulations and is notifiable to the Local Council. HETAS is the government recognised body for Solid Fuel and Biomass appliances,fuels and services and the register of competant Installers.
After your Installation is complete you will be issued with a HETAS Certificate of Compliance confirming that the installation is safe and complies to Building Regulations. This is essential for Home Insurance and will be requested if you sell the property. Building Control is infomed at the Council.
I am a Member of HETAS Reg No 4153 & 16632 and also a member of the Guild of Master Craftsmen. To satisfy all Insurance companies and trade bodies I have £5M of Public Liability Insurance.Copies can be provided on request.
We work with a lot of reliable trades too and often some jobs can be tackled together for cost effectiveness.
Installation of Log and Multi Fuel Stoves.

The FDC 5kw Defra approved stove. DEFRA approved stoves may be used in Smoke Control Areas. This stove can also be placed on a 12mm hearth.The 25mm slate shelf allowed the safe storage of logs underneath and made good use of a limited space.

Areas Covered.
North Devon,West Somerset,Exmoor,North Cornwall. (other areas considered, We have customers in London and Kent too !).
What we Do.
We sweep chimneys, Lined or unlined – All types from Open Fires to Logburners, Rayburns, Agas and Stanleys in all types of properties.
We Install Logburning and Multifuel Stoves. To do this a free no obligation visit can be arranged to discuss your needs and explain the benefits of having a stove fitted.Its important that a stove is installed safely and to Current Building Regulations ,so this will all be explained at the time.As a HETAS registered installer you will receive a certificate of compliance when the job is complete.This means that you dont have to inform the local council of the work being undertaken.
Landlord & Owner Safety Checks.
This is a comprehensive check on Solid Fuel appliances,the flue and chimney covering safety and compliance.
Chimney Repairs.

Top of the pot and the pot broken – someone has attempted a repair with some gutter sealant !

When we inspect the top of your chimney stack we will always take photographs to show you anything that might be a problem not just with the chimney but with the roof,Tv ariel,gutter or anything else, that can be seen.You can then decide what to do,if anything. Many of our customers find this useful,after all how often do you actually look at the top of your property ?
We supply and fit Carbon Monoxide alarms,smoke alarms and Heat detectors (for Kitchens). With all installations it is the law that a Co Alarm is fitted within 3m but not closer than 1m to the appliance.
Its sensible to have one fitted near any Gas,Oil or solid fuel burning appliance that you have already fitted. Test them weekly and don’t buy the cheap ones that change colour when Co is detected….You may not be awake to check it.
Smoke Alarms should be fitted throughout the house and its a good idea to fit a Heat Detector in the Kitchen.
We Install and repair Log Burners and Multi Fuel stoves, replacing everything from Firebricks,Door Glass, and Seals to a full service and respray, if required.
Fitting Cowls and birdguards can solve many issues from poor performance,to downdraught and of course stop birds and pests from getting in your chimney. Please contact us for an estimate or further information.

We also work with local builders who have years of experience in Chimney and Fireplace building or rebuilding, opening up dis used fireplaces,roof work and other skills so that a complete package can be offered.
Landlord Checks for Log and multifuel Burners. (This will be arranged through the letting agent)
Please call Chris on – 01271-855543. M. 07956-866593. or E mail – If you have any questions or want free advice.
HETAS registered installer and a member of the Guild of Master Craftsmen.
And now here are a few Horrors that We have come across…….!!